Arrival In Canada

Arrival In Canada

First few days after your arrive in Canada are quite challenging. We can help you in smooth transition to the Canadian system. Go through the websites below and it will give you an idea of some of the essential requirements and the resources to get them. Social Insurance Number (SIN Card): You have to visit a Service Canada Centre in Canada personally to apply for your Social Insurance Number. Health Card: A resident of Canada must have a Health Card. It allows access to insured health care services. Detailed information on health card can be obtained at Service Canada

Driver’s Licence: A driver’s licence is your proof of your privilege to drive. You must carry it with you whenever you drive. Canada has a one-piece plastic driver’s licence. The licence has a digitized photograph and signature of the driver and a magnetic information strip. In order to drive in Canada, you have to pass a very simple driving test. More information can be obtained at Ministry of Transportation Opening bank accounts: As you arrive in Canada, you need to open an account where you can manage your day to day financial activities. You can visit www.rbc.comand get an idea of how financial institutes work in Canada.

Jobs in Canada: There are a lot of websites through which you can contact potential employers in Canada. A few are as follows:


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